Anyone know script for 3ds max that will pick object B -> move to pivot object A -> run another script to render animation to spritesheet -> change object B to object C ->run another script to render to spritesheet - > repeat with D,E... ?
Always state which software you're using, preferably in the title. It's impossible to recommend a script or method without knowing what software you have created your objects in.
Please state what you've tried so far, and show examples of your attempts. I don't want to dig out the How To Ask Questions link again, go look in the Info sticky in General Discussion. It explains why threads like this are annoying to answer.
Have you looked at State Sets? If all the objects are already positioned the same, and you just need to hide/unhide them and render, then State Sets will do it all. Depends on your version of Max though.
Making the renders into sprite sheets is a simple process afterwards. Many tools for this.
Please state what you've tried so far, and show examples of your attempts. I don't want to dig out the How To Ask Questions link again, go look in the Info sticky in General Discussion. It explains why threads like this are annoying to answer.
Making the renders into sprite sheets is a simple process afterwards. Many tools for this.