Here is a color picker I have written lately. It has some advanced features like picking any pixel from screen, 3-block demonstration, hsl support, alpha presentation, float conversion, luminance and interp calculation, argb hex, creating random colors based on rgb, hsl, hsv spaces, so on and so forth. It is written with native C++/Qt combination which means the program opens and operates quite fast.
There are 64 bit Windows and Linux binaries available right now but 32 bit can be compiled if requested. It can be also compiled for MacOS with zero percent code modification but since I do not have a Mac, you have to download the IDE and compile yourself. The source code is included anyway.
The software is free which has both meanings, free as a free lemonade and free as an open-source.
Simple Mode
Advanced Mode
Direct Download Link
Updates can be followed by my blog.
- Full Linux Support with any X11 distro by including and linking all required libraries as static.
- Full Windows Support between XP to 10 by including and linking all required libraries as static.
- AXYZ and XYZA Hex Codes.
- SVG UI Images and Icons.
- Default Modified Black Theme.
- Updated HTML Documents.
- Code Refactoring.
- One Minor Bug Fix.
Color Palette Save Feature.
Color Palette Load Feature.
A Few Minor Fixes.
Updated Documents.
* LGPLv3+ License (Less Restrictions, Less Limitations, Less Constraints)
* Always On Top Feature.
* Higher Quality MinGW Windows Libraries Instead VC++. (%10 faster opening compared VC++)
* Better Linux Deployment.
* Qt 5.7.1 Libraries.
* Two Minor Bug Fix.
Now With New License, You Can Use The Product In Any Proprietary Softwares With Minimal Requirements.
Considering Lemonade consists of Lemons and Water and maybe Sugar, that is the same as OpenSource; none the less, you should consider making it a floating native panel in Ps.
I didnt want to use "OpenSource" word as Richard Stallman mentioned.
But some of people may think free software as only unpaid software, that is why I used that.
I am not experienced with Photoshop programming, anyway I prefer a platform or software independent solution.
Thank you for your ColorRand color picker, very cool.
I wasn't able to compile it using Qt Creator (didn't try much) so I made a CMake configuration file to compile it with Visual Studio 2015:
I have noticed that Load crashes if I click Cancel, and that the PICK button is not working.
Thanks again!
But Pick button works correctly, I tried on both for Windows and Linux operating systems.
I guess you are using it wrong.
When you left click on the Pick button, do not release it and move it until you get the pixel you wish.
I also confirmed the compile error. The reason is the folder name.
Just change the folder name from "3 - Source" to "Source" and it will compile with no errors or warnings.
I guess Qt Creator does not allow spaces in the root folder, I will also fix it in the next version.
Thank you for trying and making comments for ColorRand
Thank you!
Thank you for the feedback.
Can you also confirm about Qt Creator compile error ?
It must be gone when you change the folder name so you will not need Visual Studio to modify.
* Fully Resizable GUI
* Color Naming Feature
* Better Error Handling
* Reset Configuration Feature
* Better Contrast For The Dark Theme
* Two Major Bug Fix
* One Minor Bug Fix
Color Picker UD+
It will also be integrated into the next version of ToolSeq UD.
Version 1.1.1 Is Up With;
* Qt 5.8 libraries
* Embedded Roboto Font
* Maya Dark Color Theme
* Many Minor Improvements and Code Refactoring
* 3 Major Bug Fixes.
* 2 Minor Bug Fixes.
* Coordination With ToolSeq UD+.
* Changed Logo.
* Improved Documentation.
* Improved Linux Support.
The terminology in colors are confusing sometimes.
127.5 represents 0.5 as default float which must be linear in mind.
But I guess you mean 127.5 to represent 0.5^2.2 ~ 0.217
Or 187 to represent 0.5, right ?
I can add an option for power factor in one of the next versions if that's what you are talking about.
* Gamma Feature
* Precision Feature
* Invert Feature
* Compact Design
* 40 Slots
* 2 Major Bug Fixes
* Many Minor Bug Fixes
* Agressive Const Optimization
* Faster Opening Optimization
* Improved Object Oriented Hierarchy
I finished the design today.
If you have any suggestions, you can mail me or write into this topic.
* Magnifier
* Minimizer Before Pick
* Improved GUI design and elements
* Increased Slot Size To 64
* Same appereance on Windows & Linux
* Major and Minor Fixes
I recommend Google Roboto font to get best fit on my application.
I removed the documentation, sorry about that, may bring it back in later versions.
If you have any question, you can ask right here or mail me.
Full StyleSheet Designed Modern GUI
1 Major Bug Fix
2 Minor Bug Fix
* MinGW-x64 compiler(native Windows port of Linux GCC compiler) instead of VC++ which produces slightly more efficient code.
* Fine tuning GUI
* 3 Minor Bug Fixes
You can right-click on the Random button to randomize all color slots at once.
* Interpolation Algorithms
* Separated Width & Height Option For The Magnifier
* Improved Gui And More Responsive Design
* Qt 5.9.0 Libraries
* Minor Optimizations
* 1 Minor Bug Fix
* Invert Feature In Magnifier
* Fixed One Problem About Bicubic Filtering
* Improved Gui
* Improved Dark Theme With Qss
* 2 Minor Bug Fixes
You may also download roboto fonts for the best experience.
* Simple and Advanced Mode
* Improved GUI with Circle Slots
* Improved QSS Compatibility
* New Syntax on Signal-Slot System Which May Increase Responsiveness Very Little Bit
* 1 Minor Bug Fix
* OpenCV integration
* Lanczos interpolation
* Better quality Bicubic interpolation
* Faster interpolations
* Ability to open multiple Magnifiers with different configurations
* Ability to change Magnifier configuration while moving
* Tighter Simple Mode
* New Configuration Menu
* New Help Menu
* Empty Feature
* Improved GUI
* Improved Picker
* Restrict keyword optimization and other code refactorings
* And even more than that