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Should I Pursue 3D modeling?

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ajc1419 null
I have been making 3D models for about 5 months now and I've mainly focused on making low to medium poly models for a low poly video game mod. I've really enjoyed making 3D models I want to become more serious about it and make higher poly and more detailed models. I want to peruse 3d modeling as a career. Here are some of the models I have made so far. (I've only dabbled a little in texturing). Based on these images I have potential to be a good 3D modeler and get a career in it. I have watched some tutorials on how to use blender but I learned it mostly by trial and error. Anyways please leave your feedback on whether I have potential and be completely honest. 


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    You do.  Keep going.
  • Cyph3r
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    Cyph3r polycounter lvl 9
    I'm not too sure what to say, your thread title asks if you should pursue it, and then in your post you say that you are showing potential to be a good 3d modeller. 

    Are you asking for validation of that conclusion? 

    Your models are very basic, and is what I would expect from someone who has been modelling for the amount of time you have been. Telling yourself you are good is the first step to making no progress.

    It's too early to tell, but anyone with the patience and determination to be a 3D modeller will eventually become skilled at it - like pretty much anything in life. 

    Keep going and get into texturing ASAP.
  • ajc1419
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    ajc1419 null
    Cyph3r said:
    I'm not too sure what to say, your thread title asks if you should pursue it, and then in your post you say that you are showing potential to be a good 3d modeller. 

    Are you asking for validation of that conclusion? 

    Your models are very basic, and is what I would expect from someone who has been modelling for the amount of time you have been. Telling yourself you are good is the first step to making no progress.

    It's too early to tell, but anyone with the patience and determination to be a 3D modeller will eventually become skilled at it - like pretty much anything in life. 

    Keep going and get into texturing ASAP.
    I wasn't saying that I was good or bad by any means I was just asking if what I've made so far is a good start and if I should continue 3D modeling. Thanks for the feed back though!
  • Damian Nachman
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    Damian Nachman polycounter lvl 6
    You're current skill level means nothing. The more focused and motivated you are, the faster you'll improve.
    Sit down, grab a coffee, and start modelling! 
  • Cyph3r
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    Cyph3r polycounter lvl 9
    ajc1419 said:
    I wasn't saying that I was good or bad by any means I was just asking if what I've made so far is a good start and if I should continue 3D modeling. Thanks for the feed back though!
    No one can tell you if you should continue with 3D modelling or not. If you want to become a 3D Artist, you should continue. That's all that matters :)
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