Day 5: More noses - topology flows around nostrils, still a bit too pronounced but more possibilities in shaping the fold between nostril (ala) and tip - I think this is called the Alar crease. (Tom Hanks)
Nice work! You seem to be getting the edge flow really well. Putting together the entire face together is hard, though studying each part of the face is very important.
Day 6: More noses - Gene Tierney and Spencer Tracy. Satisfactory but still needs work on the likeness. I'll come back to noses later. I feel I sort of know how to guide the topology now...
Day 7: General Likeness (Spencer Tracy) - Starting with an empty model in two hours I managed to get the main features in. The likeness is horrible (using just a single reference makes it harder)
Day 12: Likeness Humphrey Bogart Part B - More detail, but problems with mouth and eye form. General curvature of face improved, but likeness is still off.
Day 13: Likeness James Stewart. (3h for this one) Better likeness overall, although only a small improvement. Eye and mouth area need separate focus, I feel I spend too much time on unnecessary geometry.
1ֹׁ) learn to model/sculpt the skull, once you know whats underneath than you could potray it accuratly, representing bony landmarks and muscle/fat tissues. 2) gather as much reference as you can from different views, and check your model from those views to get the best result 3) modeling wise, dont leave ngons, faces are used for animation and need to be very clean.
Thanks a lot Nerono for your inputs - I will look into some skull practice!! I've looked at a lot of charts and plane breakdowns of the skull. Is there one you recommend specifically?
I only use a single reference because I feel that I am trying to get as much "mileage" from a single pictures as I can - I will add more pictures, when I'm a bit better, hopefully soon. As I am strict on my time limit (2 hours) I am not always able to finish the model in removing all the n-gons.
Day 15: Marylin Monroe - Part B I am happy with the general form. I'm sure I can still get it to resemble even more with additional practice. Hypernurbs Weights are great for detail in Low-Poly models. Do people use them in animation?
Day 18: James Cagney Part B - modelled a simple eye and added ears to the model. Some proportions are still quite off (length of nose) . Been playing around with c4d sculpt systems for a bit.
Day 22: Marlon Brando Part C - added just a little more details but mostly pushing around vertices and experimenting with Hair. I think the likeness is good enough for some sculpting now.
Day 23: Worked on some sculpting (c4d only, no Zbrush). Eyebrows are hard - so is all kinds of hair. Likeness OK. Something went wrong with the baking around the lips and the nose, but I left it for fun.
Day 24: Audrey Hepburn Part A - general form seems ok from front, but more focus on forehead and cheeks from the side. Maybe now time for more references.
Day 26: Audrey Hepburn Part C - Added some ears (testing a method modeling right out of the skull) added some eyes and more form tweaks. Eyes need more work, mouth too. Did a fun rendering.
Day 27: Audrey Hepburn Part D - work on eyes, nose forms - general form close to good now. Eyes need more work, eyelashes then starting to sculpt some details.
Day 29: Audrey Hepburn Final Part - Added Eyebrows and lashes, fighting with sculpting and baking - managed to get a halfway decent rendering out of it.
Day 30: Paul Newman Part A - General Headform and of lips, nose, eyes. Proportions need work. Tried to take care of anatomical landmarks (zygomatic bones, chin)
Day 46: First try at texture...I'm quite happy for a first try, but there's still loads to do. First time I used something other than C4D/Photoshop (Substance Painter which is amazing)
Trying to learn about topology and head modeling. I always give myself exactly two hours and a subject. Only software used: C4D, Photoshop
(Left: Kate Winslet, Middle: unknown, Right: WC Fields
2) gather as much reference as you can from different views, and check your model from those views to get the best result
3) modeling wise, dont leave ngons, faces are used for animation and need to be very clean.
I only use a single reference because I feel that I am trying to get as much "mileage" from a single pictures as I can - I will add more pictures, when I'm a bit better, hopefully soon. As I am strict on my time limit (2 hours) I am not always able to finish the model in removing all the n-gons.
cheers, y
I am happy with the general form. I'm sure I can still get it to resemble even more with additional practice. Hypernurbs Weights are great for detail in Low-Poly models. Do people use them in animation?
And a little fun: