i have read burne hogarths book but i struggle a lot still with interpretting wrinkles and folds, i understand anchor points and gravity and kinetic energy effects how wrinkle fold and can cause them to crease or fold upwards when pressure its aplied like pulling your arm towards you or bending a limb and etc...
how ever i don't know how to draw/sculpt folds and how to achieve a pattern or interpret it because folds can be very overwhelming and when they zig zag or trap into each other in can make consistancy hard.
what i struggle with the most is trying to copy what i see form reference then transfering it into a 3d space, or how to create natural form by drawing the folds and shapes and etc...
if there is any way to actually study or learn how to draw/sculpt folds without being overwhelmed or having to guess too much and etc... that would be rgeat, i will be trying to draw clothing for a bit but i am not sure how far that will go without me truly undertsanding what i am doing...
