Hi all,
Here I will share all the updates of the creation of my latest project, the reversed sci fi trike

This started out as a quick block out design practise but I ended up making a game ready vehicle now.
The final lowpoly will also be rigged so all important structural elements need to be fully functional.
My main inspiration for shape language is Tor Frick and Paul Pepera.
Currently halfway the highpoly:

Sometimes I like to step away from the modelling for a while and make some quick dirty renders
Now back to modelling...
@ShaneRoberson Right now the front wheels can rotate for about 25 degrees forward and backwards, its not much but most drag race type of cars dont really turn well hehe
Awesome work, I'm a big fan of the straights and curves you've got going consistently through the whole model. My one hope is that you'll be able to add lots of neat stickers and decals to make it really eye catching!
Here is the final low of the chair, whithout the seat-belt because that has to be rigged first.
Baked with marmoset 3 which works like a charm.
I have issue with some of your design though. It may be too late to reconsider, but I'll throw my points out anyways.
I think the front wheels stick out way too far. I can't really see a functional reason why you would have them do this, but it would make it difficult for the vehicle to turn, and reduce vision. I think the idea of them being extended out like this is great, but I would like to see it not as far out from the cockpit, and maybe even angled out to the sides a bit to improve visibility.
The idea of the seat moving forward is great, I really enjoy that. However, a person still can't easily enter or exit the vehicle when its out like that. Maybe just adding a scalloped edge along those extending arms where the person can stop over to get out would be appropriate. Maybe there needs to be some sort of platform on the chair part to step onto to step over it.
having header pipes coming out of a jet propulsion engine is unrealistic and contradictory, but realism aside it looks damn cool.
That seat render is in marmo is sexy. Love the details and response on that.
@gsokol Woah thnx for the detailed feedback, really appreciated!
I looked a lot at drag racers when designing the general shape as this vehicle is purely/mainly designed for speed. They also tend to have a very long front with tiny wheels on the front. But I definitely agree it takes away a lot of functionality.
For the seat, the full dashboard is on hydraulics that will be able to move down in the end to make space for the person to enter. I like the idea of the scalloped edge, so I will definitely see if I can implement that. Maybe also a small ladder that can be unfolded from the frame like in jets. This will also provide the rigger with some nice challenges.
For the header pipes, no idea how I am gonna justify that haha
Very quick dirty test to see if this is doable inside toolbag 3. Definitely impressed by how easy it is to create something like this! Its just a bunch of rotating cylinders with ridiculous values and an animated point light and some camera shake.
Cockpit looks really cool so far.
On another note, considering its a rocket powered, the missing windows would also hurt aerodynamic properties and the driver a lot.
Thnx man, Gonna make the edges sharper on some areas! I'm always having a hard time finding a nice combo between hard and soft edges.
Designing is difficult...But I hope 2017 is the year Ill get comfortable with it
Got some more people giving feedback that they didnt like the little window and it also started to bug me so decided to try something new
Also still playing around with the front headlights, the old ones need to either blend in/connect more with the body or I will try something completely new like in these viewport screenshots
@malik1990 Thank Malikman, about 1 week left to finish the high
@Rmlambert Thnx man, long journey ahead to get to the texturing stage but cant wait myself to start
The thing with the round edges mentioned earlier is more about object / panel thicknes imo.
Maybe you can work in some more jet like canopy glass. I always wanted that for my own car project but I can´t make that fit. Will start a thread about that soon btw.
Would love to see a thread about your car, seeing it on Artstation gave me a big motivation boost to start working on this one:)
@Cglewis Thnx for the kind words!
Ill see If i can tighten some of the edges. Also like Defragger says, it might have a lot to do with panels being unrealistically thick so I will make them thinner.
I did a lot of work the past days, I think I'll be able to finalize the highpoly upcoming weekend so next week somewhere Ill see if I can post some beauty renders of the high. Still gotta decide in what software to do this, I might use this opportunity to pick up Vray again or try something new. Suggestions welcome
Some render tests:
@Ngowan Not sure what color the final textured version will be, but the highpoly renders will be in black for sure.
Upcoming weekend I will finish the high so hopefully the end of next week I can post my final renders and start working on the low and throw em in UE4
More images on my artstation, dont wanna clutter it too much here, if Im not doing it already
Retopology is by far the worst. But after that texturing YAY ... so keep it up
Busy with some freelance now so cant do too much unfortunately, but I am halfway the lowpoly now.
Also created this extra render of the guts:
Two afterburning turbofan jet engines delivering thrust of 15.000 lbf each on full power.