Hello all this is my first post to this community and I am not sure that I an in the right spot, you all seem to be artist and not necessarily just getting started so let me know if I am in the wrong place.
My goal: is to create content for the Unreal Engine so I have a modeled gun and all attachments (11 meshes total) as this system will be modular and the player can add or remove components. I would like all of these to reference 1 UV map so the engine doesnt have to load a bunch of different files for this weapon.
(This intent might not be the best please let me know if this is the wrong direction)I am having trouble assigning materials to the regions of the model I have specified as different materials, usually I can hold Shift+C in DDO and it lets me select the material I want from the library, but this project is showing most of the materials as black. I am assigning the mesh groups along with the material ID/Normal/AO.
Here is the Material ID Map:

Here are my initial import settings:

and here is the image along with the black issue I am having:

It's also worth noting that if you created baked normals for this project (as in high-to-low baked), you should reimport your project, add the normal map again, and make sure that you don't check Bake in 3DO for curvature. Leave it filled with the premade curvature - this will get derived from your normal map. Otherwise you'll combine the low-poly curvature with the normal map curvature, which may lead to unsatisfactory masking in DynaMask.
Machine specs (just in case I am running into a system resources issue)