Hey guys ... i see all the good artists on deviant art and i try to become better. So i would love to hear all critique you have for me and what i can do better ... dont be shy ... i wanna improve
its some nude body study cause i try to post lots of my stuff here ... overall fundamental stuff to get feedback early ... so i hope its ok to post images like this in this forum .. i would love to read some critique and i will post more give me what you have guys i want improve
Looking good, legs are looking a tad thick and the feet very big. overall It looks like its split up into three pieces, the lower body, torso and arms, and head. what I mean is that it feels like you painted them separately and then pasted em together in the end. all the parts look good on their own though, great flow of lines, good skin tones and all.
I suggest zoom out a bit, to like thumbnail size, and try to match up your reference from there.
A few portraits to practice hair and faces ... i dont know what it is but something is wrong with the eyes i paint ...but i donr know why ...perhaps you see the misstakes
I think your pupils are missing a bit of dimension. When you want eyes to appear focused the pupils should angle inward just a bit. Imagine them shooting lasers at whatever they're focusing on, those beams are both going to be hitting roughly the same spot right? So the pupils should be angled to fire them as such.
Also on top of that, keep in mind that eyes are 3D objects where the iris and pupil are recessed just a bit. This means that the more an eye looks in a given direction the more the pupil should be offset in the opposite direction to create the sense of depth.
Take a look at this image; it illustrates what I'm talking about regarding focused eye angle.
ahh i understand what ya mean ... the pupils are to stiff in one directiont and not fokusing one Point... and the second Thing you mentioned i just recognized at the blond Girl ...the pupils are too Circle shaped for this 1/4 view of the face
That's a nice scene. Clean and it really feels like a place. It does feel pretty monochromatic though, and the focal point is solely on the traveller.
You could broaden the pallet but still keep it cold by including some glacier greens in the ice wall and the chasm below. For som extra depth, and something to bounce the eye between, maybe some oranges/yellows from a lantern on the guy and from a light on the pillar/outcrop that it looks like he's heading toward? And lastly I'd punch up that foreground a bit by dropping the bottom of the canvas enough to add something like the silhouette of an outcrop, or corpse to further sell the scale of the scene.
Hello! I like your paintings. I'm not a 2D artist, but I think that you could revisit the head of the elf on your first image. The structure is looking strange in my opinion. I think her eyes should be pulled backwards a little, also her angle of the jaw is a big curve right now... I tried to make some changes using Liquify in photoshop:
I hope not to be talking a lot of nonsense things here hehe.
ahhh i see it ...the head seems a bit to inflated ... i should look more at real life profiles... thank you for your feedback and the paintover ...and my eyes arent enough 3d into the head ... ill try to fix that
Tried a Viking Village ....its my first time i painted buildings ...well there is much room for improvement ... whats my main misstakes i did there perhaps you can help me with some other perspective ... drawing buildings is no problem for me but painting them is totally new to me
You seem to have a lot of good colors and values, which is awesome. But I would say you should work on your drawing skills and linework, especially anatomy and perspective. That's imo the most important thing for you that will drastically improve your paintings. A good painting relies heavily on a good drawing, so it's crucial. I recommend "Scott Robertson" for perspective/3D drawing, and working on drawing various nude poses for anatomy. Good luck!
ahh jeah thats some point ... normally i am good in perspective and well lets say moderate in anatomy ...but digital everythings is more difficult .... perhaps i should spend more time for the outlines before starting painting
here some more faces .... i tried to fix my eyes problem ... hmm what you you think ...what can i do better with my eyes .... are the eylines too dark or too thick ..or is the form not good ? i really struggle a bit with eyes ...but i guess its gona abit better !
practising hair ...its tricky ... its not as smooth and natural as it should be ... perhaps you have some feedback for me well .. mayby i shouldnt working out the face if i wanna paint hair but jeah. ... have to practice faces as well^^
It helps to draw a skull shape on top of your heads when you're not sure, it makes the mistakes pop out. Because muscle may stretch and change positions slightly, like in eyebrows, however the features placed within the bone space and the 3D space, don't change
sry took a while to upload new stuff cause i had no unternet but jeah here is a new piece ...give me your feedback ...where are my main problems ? composition ? colors, shading ? would love to read what you have to say
painting bodys in greyscale to practise bodys and shading ...i guess painting in grey makes it easier to understand whether the colors are the problem or the light/shadow ... would you say the shades are fine or something i have to work on ?
Here some new Piece of mine i worked on the last days a bit ... tried out some new stuff ... tel me what ya think guys Feedback as always very welcome.
I would say that your understanding of rendering has developed quite well, but I do feel is lacking is your drawing/structural ability to create appealing designs. I would highly suggest investing time in learning more about design and specifically, how to creat life-like appealing drawings, and then build your decent understanding of rendering on top of those drawings.
A good book series to look at is called "Drawn to Life" by Walt Stanchfield
ty i will look at the book ...and i noe use more and more references to get a better idea of design and realistic proportions in my next images i think its gone better ...what would you say ?
i would love to read some critique and i will post more
overall It looks like its split up into three pieces, the lower body, torso and arms, and head. what I mean is that it feels like you painted them separately and then pasted em together in the end. all the parts look good on their own though, great flow of lines, good skin tones and all.
I suggest zoom out a bit, to like thumbnail size, and try to match up your reference from there.
Also on top of that, keep in mind that eyes are 3D objects where the iris and pupil are recessed just a bit. This means that the more an eye looks in a given direction the more the pupil should be offset in the opposite direction to create the sense of depth.
Take a look at this image; it illustrates what I'm talking about regarding focused eye angle.
ahh i understand what ya mean ... the pupils are to stiff in one directiont and not fokusing one Point... and the second Thing you mentioned i just recognized at the blond Girl ...the pupils are too Circle shaped for this 1/4 view of the face
thank you very very much for your Feedback
it really helps me a lot
You could broaden the pallet but still keep it cold by including some glacier greens in the ice wall and the chasm below. For som extra depth, and something to bounce the eye between, maybe some oranges/yellows from a lantern on the guy and from a light on the pillar/outcrop that it looks like he's heading toward?
And lastly I'd punch up that foreground a bit by dropping the bottom of the canvas enough to add something like the silhouette of an outcrop, or corpse to further sell the scale of the scene.
A solid piece so far, keep going!
I like your paintings.
I'm not a 2D artist, but I think that you could revisit the head of the elf on your first image. The structure is looking strange in my opinion. I think her eyes should be pulled backwards a little, also her angle of the jaw is a big curve right now... I tried to make some changes using Liquify in photoshop:
I hope not to be talking a lot of nonsense things here hehe.
The scene is looking cool!
Here some new Piece of mine i worked on the last days a bit ... tried out some new stuff ... tel me what ya think guys
Feedback as always very welcome.
new ones ..try to paint more fast studies ...
more landscape paintings
more landscapes
Mercy Fanart
I would say that your understanding of rendering has developed quite well, but I do feel is lacking is your drawing/structural ability to create appealing designs. I would highly suggest investing time in learning more about design and specifically, how to creat life-like appealing drawings, and then build your decent understanding of rendering on top of those drawings.
A good book series to look at is called "Drawn to Life" by Walt Stanchfield
in my next images i think its gone better ...what would you say ?