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Gyarados (wip)

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coelho93 vertex
Hi guys! I've been getting into zbrush for the past months and yesterday i started working on this piece for my portfolio. As a newbie, i would realy apreciate some feedback on the overal quality of my work and the current level of my skills. Thank you ;)



  • aceofspades230
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    aceofspades230 polycounter lvl 5
    Fantastic job! I really like the detail. How long did it take you?
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    OOooo. It looks more like a snake. I like it. Its lacking a bit of material definition, kinda wish it looked wet or something. Would its ears and other fins, be translucent like an actual fish?
  • Dan Powell
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    Dan Powell polycounter lvl 5
    This is mint! Awesome job! I'd maybe make the blue slightly more cyan to reflect the Pokémon's true colour, as this guy's blue is a bit dark. 

    If you managed to pull off a realistic subsurface scattering for the skin of the fish or some sort of wetness effect that would be epic! 

    What did you use as reference for his face? Not sure why but I'm getting a bit of a bat-like vibe from it (not a bad thing necessarily just wondering!)

    Agreed with JoshuaG, red version pl0x! 
  • coelho93
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    coelho93 vertex
    Fantastic job! I really like the detail. How long did it take you?
    Thank you! I did the sculpting and overall painting in about 5-6 hours, plus a little more messing around with the render.  
  • coelho93
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    coelho93 vertex

    OOooo. It looks more like a snake. I like it. Its lacking a bit of material definition, kinda wish it looked wet or something. Would its ears and other fins, be translucent like an actual fish?
    yeah, it was my intention to make more realistic looking scales, but i had trouble achieving that while using only polypaint. Now that I got down the most of the basic concepts of sculpting, i'll try to focus on learning proper coloring and texturing.   
  • coelho93
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    coelho93 vertex
    Glad you like it! The red version will be posted shortly :p
    Well my references were mostly sea eels and other fishes with long bodies. I did try to apply a certain wetness to the skin but so far i only know how to use pollypaint and the results were not the best.
    You guys know any good texturing software?
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