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First char sculpt - Hard crit needed

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KiwiHead vertex
Hi im working on a full character sculpt for my portfolio, just started learning Zbrush. Not sure if im heading in the right direction. Comments and critique are appreciated..


  • kornetic
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    kornetic vertex
    Wow, I really like this style u have going on here. The hard edges especially in the folds of the clothes looks really cool. As for critique the major issue i see for me at least is that hes wearing like skinny jeans that look pretty tight everywhere on his body. Except for his butt where it almost looks like the pants are sagging or something and also looks very flat. So I would show some love to dat butt and sculpt the hell out of it. 
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    The wrinkle and fold flow around his thighs don't make sense, given where they would anchor and wrap around the leg if you observe most references for those.

    The planar style does feel cogent, and appealing!

    Make sure you add items like zippers and take care with how the clothing is literally made.  Where the clothes have seams and have clasps helps to sell the realism of it.
  • KiwiHead
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    KiwiHead vertex

    Thanks for the comments and critique guys! Yeah the pants were definitely off, remade them looking more closely at references now. As for the butt.. Not sure I fixed it or screwed it even more, the wrinkles help sell the tension but I felt the butt looked too big on a character so tall and skinny? Also moved the clothes around some more and readjusted proportions to make him look a tad bit more cartoony. Still a wip. Yay or nay?

    Want to add zippers, seams and other details after the base is good enough..

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Nay.  Check a real pair of jeans, that center penis enclosure isn't shaped that way.  Also missing side stitch seams, etc.
  • KiwiHead
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    KiwiHead vertex
    Trying to wrap this up..pretty happy with the results being my first sculpted character.. I feel like ive learnt 2% of zbrush so far xD
    Thanks for the help @Brian, @kornetic
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    That jean front seam is still too big, and the pocket seam is unclean and wobbly.
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