Made this asset and rendered it recently. Going to make this one into a game asset as well. Went for a clean look for the high res version. Going for a beat up grungy look on the low res version. Comments and Critique most welcome!
I would love to see more reflection on the glass, seems like it's just pure black, which is pretty difficult to get in a real photo shoot. it would be nice to have some subtle reflections in there, or some transparency with a hint of the interior (silhouettes of the steering wheel, headrests).
Can you show some wires? Would love to see the subD cage. What did you use to make and render this?
This looks great dude! Some minor critiques though: The circular area that surrounds your headlights has a weird lip going on near the bottom, Might be worth looking into. The hood of the car is bumped out a bit and doesn't sit flush with the rest of the pieces. I'm guessing most of these errors have to do with your polygon density near the corners of the mesh. Hope this helps, great job by the way!
Sounds real good you guys! @Eric Chadwick thanks for that will do! There is no interior though which is why I had the windows so dark. I'll post a wire shot soon . Crafted this in 3ds max. Rendered with Mental ray.
@gfelton ahhh yes that's right. I didn't give it too much attention before but thank you for the notes! Definitely stands out now that you pointed it out. Will fix those before I move on to the low res!
amazing render! I'd say it's great except that some of the surfaces aren't perfectly flat. or rather not a perfectly smooth curve. a little wobble here and there.
I request the low res beat up version to look like the Rotsun :awesome: That would be amazing. Anti-theft door lock! Its looking solid so far. Nice lighting. Mesh is a little bit wobbly in some areas like already mentioned. Looking forward to the grungy version.
More shots on my Artstation :awesome:
I would love to see more reflection on the glass, seems like it's just pure black, which is pretty difficult to get in a real photo shoot. it would be nice to have some subtle reflections in there, or some transparency with a hint of the interior (silhouettes of the steering wheel, headrests).
Can you show some wires? Would love to see the subD cage. What did you use to make and render this?
Looking forward to the next step.
The circular area that surrounds your headlights has a weird lip going on near the bottom, Might be worth looking into.
The hood of the car is bumped out a bit and doesn't sit flush with the rest of the pieces.
I'm guessing most of these errors have to do with your polygon density near the corners of the mesh. Hope this helps, great job by the way!
@Eric Chadwick thanks for that will do! There is no interior though which is why I had the windows so dark.
I'll post a wire shot soon
@gfelton ahhh yes that's right. I didn't give it too much attention before but thank you for the notes! Definitely stands out
now that you pointed it out. Will fix those before I move on to the low res!
Anti-theft door lock!
Its looking solid so far. Nice lighting. Mesh is a little bit wobbly in some areas like already mentioned. Looking forward to the grungy version.
@defragger Yo that Rotsun is looking sweet! super cool man!