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Moon Princess

polycounter lvl 14
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klamp polycounter lvl 14
Hey, Polycount!

Been a while since I've posted here. I wanted to do something new for my portfolio, so I've been working on a new character based on a friend's concept. It's still very much a work in progress, but I think it'd be good to get some feedback and help before I go any further with it.

Here's the reference I'm working from:


And here's my progress so far:

I'm looking for feedback on everything and anything about it, really. In particular, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle sculpting the fabric at the hem of her dress to make it look like cloth resting on the floor, or how I'm going to go about sculpting that clump of feathers on her right shoulder, so if anyone has any tips on those parts that'd be great. Just want to make this piece something I can be proud to put in my portfolio, so any pointers on anything else you guys could give would be most welcome, too.

Thanks in advance!!


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