Yep. I feel lack of shape in candies too. My guess is it's more about this particular render than material itself. Tried to place some additional lights. It seems more light spots = more shape.
I put material on simple sphere purposely. Idea behind this was to present material itself without connections to any familiar shapes. Maybe this idea wasn't so good as I thought?
Anyway next time I'll try with mesh and references.
Definitely agree with samwood, though I think the dough should have minimal gloss. I do love those individual cracks on the candy bits, those feel real nice. Maybe a little variety with the cracks on each piece of candy would also help, since the candies contrast so much with the dough, the lack of variety is hard not to notice. Great work so far though!
If that wasn't the intention, I'd recommend removing the cavity contrast.
But as a cartoony cookie, it looks good!
Nice specular touch on those M&Ms. This did succeed in making me hungry.
I think you would benefit and get better crit by putting this on a real cookie mesh rather than present on a sphere, and share your references.