Here is the selection, please select your overall favorite.
Just to you, what feels best/natural/coolest in general for what would be a real living creature, but also a character you might like to play in a game, and stare at for a long time while doing so. Between this and a few other sites, I hope the internet will help me make the most appealing dinosaur for that goal!
Thanks Everybody
I think you should remove/change the designs thats have light backs with dark belly, almost no animals in real life have colors like that, from birds to mammals, reptiles and even fish have lighter colored bellies and darker backs for practical purposes.
on top of that almost no animals ever have natural purple pigments, which almost a third of your designs have.
I would look at some history book illustrations of dinosaurs, and animals that live today as inspiration for colors.
the actual patterns you have are really nice though, just the colors that could use some work.
That being said however, the dinosaur is based heavily on Giganotosaurus, but is not in fact supposed to be a real species, and would be the main character in a game that is not about the accuracy of late cretaceous ecology so i included them.
Overall this is about trend identification. So far the leaders are somewhat muted greens and browns. There is a smaller subgroup of people who favor the vibrant purples and blues, which may suggest i should include a patch or crest or display of some sort that includes them as a modern bird does. This will all help me identify what would be the most preferred colors.
Additionally, i have never thought in color. I knew they were gonna be rough, and that's exactly why i'm asking for other opinions on so many different variants. Thanks again, man.
Though I wish the lower legs did not have the lighter tone.
I feel the light tone on near the eyes is misplaced too.
6 Could work maybe if the darker pattern was on top?
Maybe do more variations on peoples favorite color schemes?
Just a few thoughts on your dino, I don't know much about dinos though
Right now the leading two are 4 and 10 tied for first with 14 trailing in second. I think i will try and combine the major aspects of the top selections to make something well rounded.