Hi guys,
A fan art illustration that I just finished, for the artofwonderman.com contest. It's 6k rez so it took me a lot of time to get it right, and even though I wanted to work on it more my pc gets very sluggish with the ginormous PSD that I have of this, (having only 8 gigs of ram might also be the reason

) . Any way C&C are welcome


Compositionally it could use more of a focus. My eye darts around and can't seem to find a place to rest. Various parts are all kind of the same contrast/brightness/saturation.
There's also an issue with the background pattern. It doesn't help the eye flow to what's important. One fireball seems to hang behind her rear, while the rest seems to point to the upper end of the blade. I feel like the background elements should lead your eye towards her face, or perhaps towards her core.
Her pose is a little difficult to distinguish. The only indication I have is the top of her skirt, which says her right leg is raised. But everything else about her legs makes it look like either leg could be raised? I'm not sure about the solution here though.
Overall though it's a striking piece. Kudos on the rendering!
sorry to be harsh here in my very first post, but isn't basically all the anatomy wrong in this picture?
The legs are definitely too short for the torso and the head is too small.
thanks for the feedback, hmm I do remember doing the looms-head measurement to specifically not have that problem but I dunno. might have got it wrong.
and ref here