I am trying to get random directional gradients on my tiles so that every tile has a randomly picked gradient towards a certain axis. Using "pattern symmetry random" I can get 1 axis (front and back) but how do I get the other (sideways) gradient ?
I thought I could use "pattern rotation random" for this as I saw someone using it but when I tried it I get a different result.
The effect on the left image is what I need, right is what I get atm.

One cool way to do it would be to use a tile sampler with multiple inputs. Here's a quick .sbs
Hope it'll help !
Thanks for suggestion! Tile sampler with multiple inputs seem to work pretty good. I found that in the "Tile Random" node the "Rotation Random" slided under the rotation tab does the job as well. I am still not sure why it wouldn't work on the pattern generator... but I will find out soon