Hey hey! I need to light out my Cockpit. For now, I only got a Skylight with HDRI and an Directional Light all on Stationary. Also I put in one RefelectionsSphere and PostProcessVolume (there I only put Autoexpose to 0,5). I thought for an natural lighting that could be it. But it turns out too dark, like you see on the screenshot.
If you want i can also share all my light settings or world settings. Would be nice if someone could help me with that a bit.

You could increase the number of indirect light bounces slightly, it doesn't have a huge impact (bake times and visually) past a certain point.
If you want to get rid of auto exposure just set both Min and Max Brightness to 1.0.
This should get you started.
Don't forget that you can switch inverse squared falloff off on lights and use that for things like fill lights.