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A Dodgeburn Sketchbook

polycounter lvl 2
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Dodge_Burn polycounter lvl 2
Hey, fellow game artists!
I'm a 2D concept artist (Oh good lord, that's all such old work and I need to update it with a bunch of unseen stuff soon soon soon! ) with several years of experience in the Game Industry and a background in editorial illustration.  I've puttered around with Max some but this week I've decided to really take a crack at learning how to effectively utilize ZBrush.  

I plan to use this thread as a dump for my 3D lunch break sketches and I would love any feedback or crits y'all can give. 

As of now I'm totally new to the tool and am still working on grasping basic concepts like Dynamesh, Tranpose or Subtools. I still haven't done my research on the best way to present or render work so bear with me as I bombard you with crappy screencaps of models to start with.

Here's the first thing I sculpted in the tool from dynameshing a basic sphere.  A sort of were-bear creature.  It's looking a bit too 'bulby' for me and I think I could push the planes more but you live and you learn and you move on.  

Here it is with more time spent on it, posed, looking more overworked and even more bulbous. IMO taking it to high poly wouldn't teach me much at this point because a strong foundation is not yet there.  I still need to focus on basic forms. 

Second sculpt.  I took a crack at ye olde planar human head study.  Again starting with a sphere.  The separate eye spheres are my first foray into working with Subtools. 


  • Dodge_Burn
    Offline / Send Message
    Dodge_Burn polycounter lvl 2

    Quick attempt at a basic masculine human form blockout from a sphere.

    I also got ahead of myself and added some small details to one side of the werebear just for fun, to get a feel for using Alphas.  I probably won't keep them. I need to actually complete the structure of the paws and lower legs before getting into that level of detail.  Bullshitting a lot of the anatomy here. 

  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    hey dodgeburn!
    I'm glad you started to use zbrush, it looks like you already got one hell of a leg up. Super cool.
    As for exporting and presenting images, I might suggest using
    Document->Export. instead of screen grabs. 
    And when you're ready if you wanna get fancy, use the BPR with some lights. Its really fun. Something to keep in mind. If you want your material to be affected (effected?) by the light, you cant use a matcap. cause those already having lighting information stored in them. 
    Happy zbrushing!
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