Can someone please recommend me a good tutorials on full character pipeline, that you'll consider "must have"?
I know that there's alot of character tutorials, but even looking at polycount wiki gumroad tutorials page i see like 50 or so tutorials, and being a beginner, it's really hard for me, as a beginner to decide which ones worth getting and wasting my time on.
For example when i just started with 3ds max, Grant Warwick's tutorials were absolutely the best for me, and i now recommend them to everyone, then it was Tim Bergholz tutorials, both of these tutors showed me alot, and by watching their tutorials, i really felt, like my skills got pushed to a new level.
So can you guys recommend any game character tutorial, that felt same for you? Thanks. Hope i'm posting in a right forum tho, i'm still pretty new to polycount.
It's great for beginners and medium level artists.