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Layouting UV-Mapping in Groups?

polycounter lvl 7
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AMess polycounter lvl 7
Hi there,

I am a freelance artist and am right now working on a big vehicle-model with lots of seperate meshes. I mainly work with Maya 2014. I never had these many seperate UV-Shells and am running into some problems with organizing these shells. Maybe you happen to know some time-saving or organizing tools that you're willing to share... I would be really grateful...

So here is my exact question:
1. Is there any tool/workflow/script which lets you group shells, so that when you afterwards auto-layout these in a 0 to 1 UV-space these shells stay together?
So f.e. I got a plane-model with detail-models and fully modeled indoor. Every detail, every shell indoor and outdoor must be on one texture and the shell's are just too many to layout it all by yourself. So you use the auto-layout-tool from maya or similar. But the tool mixes every shell as it wishes. Afterwards the indoor floor is somewhere between some details and the outdoor, while the indoor-wall is somwhere else.
It's kind of hard to do the texturing in that mess...

Any ideas? :-\ 


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