well I have a skylake i7 6700k with water cooling at 4.5ghz, 32gb ram ddr4, samsung evo pro 850 ssd and a gtx 680 tri-slot edition.
I have a really weird problem with Marmoset Toolbag. Every time I power on my pc marmoset runs fine, if I wake it from sleep though it is really really slow on 30k meshes with 4 materials! o.O
Some times it gets better for a few seconds or till i minimize the marmoset windows and do something on chrome for example.
Might it be a skylake thing? ...again?
I have nothing but problems with my 1.8000€ pc -_-
I am not in the know (to make this post useful) what are the major differences of i7 i have bloomfield are the current cpu'z worth the upgrade i hear they are not even that boosted to warrant an upgrade. Word on the street, i'd like to know since i can run ARK and i think that's pretty good the limitations on my machine are the mobo,gfx,ram that's it.
Don't mean to high jack just thought people would run into this thread and come along with their own concerns.
Also if you have marmo up for a long period of time i find it bogs down the PC as well so it might just be that, usually for me a PC restart works or sometimes a shut down of the app and a relaunch. I suspect you might be using it as a paint viewer? this is what I do sometimes, all be it not very helpful to my pc's processing.
Either way hope it helps.