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[Question] Negative Light

Greg DAlessandro
polycounter lvl 11
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Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 11
Is this possible to do in UE4? ("negative" lights) Thank you.

Negative Lights and Darkening Areas
In earlier revisions of CRYENGINE, lights had an option called "Negative Light". This system was removed in later revisions because a more solid implementation was introduced into the lighting system.
The idea here is to add darker/lower luminance light to the scene rather that "sucking out" the color and luminance by using negative lighting.
You can achieve better results now by using the Ambient Light option for your light. By using this option in conjunction with a dark Diffuse color, you can apply a "negative" light to your scene with much more precision and control.
3 Easy Steps:
Add a Light entity.
Select Ambient in the Options properties.
Apply a Diffuse color of 2,2,2. Important note: If you use 0,0,0, you won't get the desired effect.
You can also apply color to this negative light, not just pure black. This also mixes well with other lights placed on top in a positive light fashion, and negative lights also stack on top of each other for the blackest of blacks!

And also From Shining the Light on Crysis 3 GDC pdf: 

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