Arrrrgh! All Aboard the next hype boat!
Here's some live gameplay from Gamescom. This just looks gorgeous even in this early build which looks like a "short demo with sailing and battling" only. This, with VOIP and a few beers (virtual beers as well) is going to be absolutely crazy fun! On top of this, we should also get much more like the Treasure hunting, Skeleton pirates, Sea monsters, etc, etc, etc... Fingers crossed (Please deliver on my expectations!....Please deliver on my expectations!....Please deliver on my expectations!)
Anyway, enjoy.
One thing I just noticed and haven't got a clue how its done. The ocean outside the ship is huge waves but when the ships are sinking the water inside the ships hull is quite calm, as you'd expect. So they aren't simply lowering the ship into the ocean, which would be the easy way but not so realistic. They must actually "cull" the ocean inside the ship...If you get me. I'm not a tech artist. Anyway, what ever they arrrgh doing it works brilliantly!
the game looks surprisingely fun to play with friends. Fingers crossed for an eventual playstation release.
Glad you guys like what you've seen so far! Can't wait until we're allowed to start showing more.
There's some great tech and technical wizardry behind a lot of the disciplines. The pirate characters especially utilise some really cool technical solutions behind the scenes- they've been a real labour of love for us!
One thing i'd like would be if there was some "slight" class differences, or ways to add little booster skills. Nothing huge or game changing that would need balancing, just small things like some characters are a slightly better at swimming, or firing a cannon, or can hold their Rum more, etc.
Here's a video explaining how the death mechanic might work. A "Beetle Juice waiting room" ghost ship! Sounds very cool and hilarious.
and some more gamplay and chat about whats to come.
One question is whether the game will be available in Win7. Currently info only i've found says XBox/Win10 "exclusive". does that mean it'll be available first on those platforms and others later? Anyway. If it is only Win10 i'll be upgrading in advance but it'd be good to know ahead of time. I expect the Beta will only be I should probably upgrade anyway if I want any chance of playing that...