We at Triple Smash are individuals of 8, placed all around Europe developing the game of our dreams. We have been working together for over a year and are now looking for a new member of our team to join in on the fun!
What we're working on:
We are developing a third person battle arena game targeting the e-sports scene. The game has made major progress and is far into the development process in the game and nearing a stage where we are ready to have testers for our base prototype within the coming months.
In terms of payment, we are currently following the rev-share model.
Who we are looking for:
3d Character Artist
Artistic flair
Good communication skills
Can speak English
Able to skype at least once a week
Spend minimum 5 hours a week on project
What this means for you:
This is an opportunity for you to gain valuable experience working with a team, contributing and sharing ideas in a game soon to be finished as well as having a portfolio ready to show potential employers in the gaming industry.