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Misc. props / portfolio critique and few questions

polycounter lvl 7
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mikolajspy polycounter lvl 7
I've recently started updating my portfolio, I used to have one on carbonmade.com, but now I switched to ArtStation.com, I think it looks better, art at first sight.
I've also uploaded completely new art pieces, I deciced that stuff I had previously doesn't look that good.

Question 1: Should I upload more photogrammetry stuff to portfolio or more hand-made?
I'm just thinking that anyone with a camera can go and make scans, so it's not that impressive, besides, when I'll apply to some company they'd rather like to see assets with 'classic' approach, right?

Question 2: Should I make a simple scene with the assets I make or they'll be fine separate?

I included Substance Painter to my workflow not long ago, so if you could tell me your opinions on these few props on ArtStation I'd appreciate it :)

Here's artstation: https://mikolajspy.artstation.com/
And old one for comparison if anyone is interested: http://mikolajspy.carbonmade.com/

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