Hello again,
if I make a table for UE4 in 3dsmax, what is the way to do it right?
The easiest way seems to me to just make a cube for the top and 4 cubes for the leg and attach them. Maybe delete the top polys where the legs meets the bottom side of the top cube.
Another way would be to cut the plate so that I can extrude 4 legs from underneath it. After making it quads/tris I would have a lot more faces though than with the easy way, especially if the legs are round. So would it even be cleaner to do it this way?
Would it be okay to just add the pieces together as a Boolean object and then convert it to a poly? (Then maybe deleting interior faces that cant be seen, and weld vertices)
Thank you,
It won't matter in UE as it's still just a single static mesh. Even if it were 5 objects in 1 .fbx file it would still be read in UE as a single static mesh.