We are currently looking for some artists to help bolster our Animation and Rigging sections.
In Dark Storm you take control of Amber Kinsly, a security officer at the Irving Dynamics Alaskan research facility. Irving Dynamics has been the pioneer in aeronautical advancements for decades. Their newest research has made them the target of many attacks, from the outside and within. Amber is one of the many security personnel hired to combat these threats. However, when the base comes under attack by an unknown enemy, its clear that your new mission is to evade and survive.
To apply, you must:
- Have good animation skills in Maya
- Understand IK and FK Plus rigging and creating Rigs from Scratch
- Understanding of Skinning
- Time to dedicate to the project
- A showreel/portfolio of work
- Experience rigging and animating bipedal characters and weapons
- Technical understanding of animations and their use for player feedback
- Experience with view models for a FPS a big plus
- Experience with Unreal Engine 4 and the ability to import animations and set up animation trees a plus!
Payment will be on a percent basis after the game is released everyone on the team that helped will receive an amount calculated off the amount of work they did that makes it into the final build. We plan to release on steam and any other services that will allow. Everyone is required to sign an initial Royalty Contract and a final upon release. Leaving the team before release will lower your overall percent
How Can I Apply? Please read through this entire job post to ensure you understand the requirements and responsibilities involved and send a resume to (With Reel if possible) recruitment@adarkstormiscoming.com