I realized after struggling to come up with ideas for an environment, that concepting is not for me. I can come up with ideas but they never feel worth fleshing out - either I don't trust that the idea is good enough, I know that I won't be able to execute the way I want, or I know that the time it will take will make me lose interest.
After working at a studio I realized I have the most fun when people give me something to make and I create it the way they want. The success of completing a task using my skills makes me feel amazing. Plus I don't feel drained trying to come up with an idea and hoping others like it. Immediately someone will like it if I'm successful in making their idea come to life.
My recent work is under and NDA - I make props at NetherRealm for Injustice 2 but the characters haven't been shown to the public yet. But I have some work on my ArtStation
here. Please let me know if you have an environment/prop design that they would like in 3D.

It would be a pleasure working with you.