Models update:


Hi all, this is my first feedback thread!!!
Here is a piece that I've completed recently. He is called Aiden and is the male protagonist for a game inspired by Harvest Moon. The game is still in the works.
While me and my client are happy with how he turned out, I would really like any advice on how I can improve this piece so that I can apply it to my next piece. Thanks for looking!

FInally rigged and posed him, and made a quick grass texture to go along. Ready to move on to the next project! Thanks for looking
@aceofspades230 Thanks, the game was inspired by harvest moon, so you will be seeing some similarities there!
This is the 2nd character for the game. This is almost the final version, there will be some minor tweaks but I'd appreciate any comments! At this point I am just noodling on small stuff. Also I think I need to rename this thread.
Gave her lashes and lipstick, corrected minor errors etc... going into rigging now
I posted wires, maps and a marmoset viewer on my artstation:
Thanks for looking
Both models came out great! The only thing I hate is the eye symmetry, the light should come from the same direction
You are right about the eye symmetry, guess I got a little lazy there. I won't do that next time =P
This is a rough colour test and I'm trying some ways to do fur!
Artstation link:
Superb Work!
There was a change in the style so I spent some time tweaking faces. I referenced heavily from Unity-chan which was a free asset in the store.
Eye shading idea was from the Miku tutorial made by Hazardous. It was quite simple to make.
Couldn't get transparency to work well in TB as it either gives a ugly line (cutout) or fuzzy noise (dither), so I had to plugin everything into Unity and test!
Would it be possible to see some more wireframes? Especially of the adorable Popo.
@Magihat Thanks for the crit! I altered her eyes
She will be one of the marriageable characters in this game.
A quick screenshot off max to show you where she is now. Hair isn't my strong suite and it took me a long time to get this right. I'm trying out the transparency method on hair + a few hair cards for the first time ever. *throws confetti*
I've been referencing many anime models to reverse engineer the thought process behind building the hair mesh. I would really like to know if there is any available resource out there that can point me in the right direction.
I finished the mermaid a long time ago but life caught up and I didn't update. I figured I should at least end this project properly, so I posed her and made a small scene.
This project has been my favourite so far, unfortunately I don't know when I will work on it again.
Artstation link:
Thank you for accompanying me on my journey!!