yes the title is as generic as it gets (or specific, because it's exactly what it says on the tin)
I finished that other thing I was doing a few days ago so I started this other thing, concept is a bit overused but I'd thought I'd give it a spin.

still in the design+blockout phase at the moment with very little detail, but I think I'm getting close to a working design so once I'm satisfied with that and remesh everything I should be able to actually show off something worth your while.
Plan is to get her to game res, pose and render, probably give her a pet/companion in the meanwhile.
I'll keep you posted so stay tuned (or not, I'm just a post on an internet board, not a cop)
any feedback about proportions and stuff is extremely welcome to avoid scenarios like somebody pointing out her legs are too stocky or something like that while in the rendering phase and me drinking myself to sleep
starting to remove dynameshes, remeshing everything and adding primary details
Outfit is almost done, missing a few dynameshed detail still to be redone and to add a bit of detail. Will probably add scales on her shoulderpads and body suit later as a texture.
Still thinking about adding a few extra parts on her belt rig (probably a holster for a weapon or some sort of comm device).
I'll get started on her face and helmet soon, both of which are going to be huge time wasters and hopefully turn interesting
started detailing her face as well but this is a good point to stop for today
working on the retopo and uv atm, update soon

I'll get back to youThis is dope.
Any plans for patterns for the armor or the spandex?
And yeah, I'm going full cheese with this, the plan was to create something similar to japanese tokusatsu but I went off the rail with some details so I figured I'd take them up to 11.
I was in the middle of adding a hair mesh to show her with her helmet both on and off but I'm really struggling at the moment, then again hair has always been my weak spot
Char is pretty much done, just minor detailing left at this point. Gonna take a week off vacation and then gonna move on her pet.
Still want to refine the textures on both her and her pet but now she's finally poseable yaaay.
Planning to add a bit more material detail, get at least one more pose (prolly without the helmet), make some progress shots and dump everything on Artstation along with a viewer in the coming days.
Still not too sure about the lighting tho.
Obligatory Artstation link with more pics and final renders:
buh-bye to the next monstrosity people