Hi guys, I used Zbrush`s UV Master, and there is just some weird shapes here, i`m
going to use substance painter or quixel suite for texturing and with
the Tri-planar projection the UVs doesn`t matter and i don`t have to use
a UV Checker (am i right ?) but i`m not sure since i`m making this
character for my portfolio so what should i consider when making UVs and
what makes them perfect also i see people recommending manual packing instead of automatic, does it matter ?

Yup, they are not arranged.
Those UVs will work for the model in question. But won't be optimal. And you haven't learned a thing from clicking those few buttons. If you're working on a portfolio you should be using the projects as a means to honing your skillset. Cutting corners that people won't notice when viewing a 2D image in your folio might seem like a great timesaver but, really, it's a very bad habit. If you handed an auto-unwrap like that down the pipeline you might be shown the door.
Unwrapping is an art in itself and as I said, vital in the games industry as so much depends on clean UVs.
I laughed when I read this statement "also i see people recommending manual packing instead of automatic, does it matter ?" I haven't seen any UV packing algorithm as clever as a human. Even the specialised tool Ipackthat can't do it(although it probably has the best packing I've seen yet) Auto Vs manual packing could be a difference of 30% in wasted UV space. Maybe in the future that will change, maybe not.
What do you mean by clean UVs ? what makes the UVs clean ?
also should i worry about the shape of the UVs when unwrapping an organic model ?
- Minimal stretching
- No overlapping on unique UV islands
- Curvy or wonky shaped islands could be straight and positioned with 90 degree angles
- Enough space between islands for edge padding when using mipmaps in a game engine
- As average-sized islands as possible, compared to each other to avoid too big texel density differences
- Filling the square UV space completely without too obvious wasted empty gaps
Someone add, correct me or explain more if needed.