
Bit about me and my art situation, since I am recently new. I struggle with my art and anxiety when doing 2d art. My school has been helpful but not nearly as instructive as I needed it to be. I struggle with values, colors and making my art look "good", "alive", "real." I ofcourse have a glaring issue with making non generic designs, but i am more focused on concuring values and color atm. I need more practice of course, but if you could give me some feed back on the work posted and any other information on how to do 2d art, like the 2d art you see that blows your mind away. I mean i have gotten a bit on my own but i still dont come anywhere close to the professionals. Thank you!

A bit about this art peice, its Just a random sorc I was trying to make look "good" "alive" "real." I know its Extremely generic, but i am just focused on getting things lookings GOOD for about a week straight.
What helped me improve some was to make studies, google up: material studies, and you'll come up with a lot of examples.
You can also get the same object you're trying to paint in real life and make a copy of the properties to your painting.
Painting is a learning process and it never gets easier to anyone, because the better you paint, the more you notice it's a never ending chase for improvement
Here a fast overpaint: