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How to create these LASER BEAMS? (plasma cutter "light rays")

polycounter lvl 3
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minus0 polycounter lvl 3
Is there a way to simulate(create),inside 3dsmax, those laser beams? those rays of light emitted from the plasma cutter(or line gun).
i apologize if my question sounds a bit off topic or silly and i know that the "subject"(the result) from my attach is a result of a special graphic engine developed by a professional team.
I am aware that even if it seems such a simple thing, "some light beams" coming out from an object, there are some special effects at the base of it.
From my point of view, i believe they perfectly simulated the way the "light beams" scatter through the atmosphere; the details and the correct light behavior when it is "refracted" by the atmosphere(specks of dust,smoke,steam,etc)
After many hours of testing and rendering, i failed to achieve the same result as in the attached pictures. How would you do those light beams(plasma beams,laser beams), because i have tried around with photometric lights and i couldn't approach the end result. in the beginning i thought i could use a cylinder(self-illuminated) but its too cheap, its a big difference comparing to a light ray. i am using mental ray engine(photometric lights of course).


  • Farfarer
    I suspect it's just an additive texture applied to some camera-facing polygon strips?

    Probably with an animated texture (possibly using world coordinates as UVs) to give the impression of haze as the laser passes through it.
  • minus0
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    minus0 polycounter lvl 3
    i thought they've used "inside game engine" lights as the light source. What you have said sounds...complicated, at least for me :)
    I am no expert but those rays(laser beams) looks and feel very realistic. And beside the look, i was also surprised of the fast response(of the graphic card) to display those rays in a second when aiming the plasma cutter, when the player is pressing the "right-click" mouse button.
    I have tried to simulate a laser beam inside max, i boosted up the power of the photometric light(spotlight type), i have used the Volume light effect, but i cant achieve the result from the pictures. i also tried PartiVolume effect but it takes an eternity to render. i am aware that 3dsmax is not a game engine, i am not comparing "them". I guess i'll have to stick with playing around with a spotlight photometric light,1cm size disc shape,thin-long spotlight 1cm size + Volume light.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Yep, that's how these kind of effects are done, at least in a game engine. You can go for more high-end effects if you're rendering it in Max.

    Here's an example with a world-space procedural projection map, through a couple Volume Lights (hot inner one, soft outer one), with the projection controlled in the Material Editor.

    When you're asking for advice on an effect, it helps to show what you have done so far. Even if it's not what you want yet. It's very difficult to give the right amount of critique without seeing what you've done so far.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Let's see if a ZIP attachment works? This is a 3ds Max 2016 format file.
  • Farfarer
    As far as I can tell, they're not using volumetrics or proper lights to do it. The game engine isn't doing anything particularly complex - it's all faked.

    Ironically, this effect might well be easier to pull off inside a game engine than a proper render. I suspect the easiest way for you would be to have cylindrical meshes with a material at full self-illumination, and then mask their transparency via some kind of volumetric texture (or just a simple procedural noise texture or a triplanar projected clouds texture or something). I'm not really sure what VRay offers in the department.
  • Eric Chadwick
    He's using mental ray, but yeah same idea. Game engine does it simply and cheaply, as it has to render 30fps or better.

    But without knowing the desired end use, it's hard to recommend what method to choose. 
  • Farfarer
    Heh, you ninja'd in before I hit reply - I was meant to respond to OP's post :P

    But yeah, your solution is probably close to what I'd have gone with.
  • minus0
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    minus0 polycounter lvl 3
    Thank you Eric and Farfarer for the replies.
    I have attached some rendered images.
    My project:
    1. the main subject(the car) is Inside a gravity test chamber.
    2. Chamber lights goes ON, the debris(some objects) from the chamber are beginning to levitate except the car.
    3. All lights goes off, completely dark.
    4. Laser beams from a plasma cutter turns ON(aiming mode) swiping the place around focusing on the car in the end.
    5. Music starts(twinkle twinkle little star....from dead space), the logo of Benz is shown as the music plays in the background.
    You know, "Twinkle twinkle little star" Dead space version, and the Benz logo is a 3 point star :)
    I am using a rendering station with 12cores/12threads, 48GB RAM, 3dsmax2016 , mental ray.

    Thank you for the example(settings image+scene), i will try it. As i said, i am no expert, i believe what you both have said about the methods used in game engines. I was amazed when i have experienced the environment+lights+objects from DeadSpace.
    as you can see i am far from the desired result. Simulation of laser rays.
  • Eric Chadwick
     Those shots of Dead Space show the lasers from one particular angle. Your scene looks like it requires more angles.

    But still, you could get away with a texture tiled across a long thin plane, maybe with world-space noise for the atmosphere it cuts through. This would render much much faster than a series of volume lights.
  • minus0
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    minus0 polycounter lvl 3
    Yes Eric, indeed the rendering time increases too much if i use multiple volumetric lights. I'll keep in mind your method, i appreciate it. Once i have used a plane to cheat the Volumetric light of the Sun(PartiVolume takes too long) but i think it was kind of childish(silly using a plane instead of real "light-volume"). I am new, there are lots of things that i don't know and many things that i can't understand(or comprehend). I tend to fail to see the simple way to create something, but not because i desire so, it's because my brain incapacity of "understanding" things...That's why i don't think i will ever be an artist. I am not pessimist, this is the way i feel, i see...
  • throttlekitty
    Well if you're gonna call it quits, can I have that rendering station? :D :pleased:

    There's nothing wrong with cheating in computer graphics, it's all fake after all.
  • minus0
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    minus0 polycounter lvl 3
    :D i need it; i am using it to play YetiSports :P
    (i am joking of course, you made me smile anyway, sorry for my cheap reply)
    I feel you but I am not the owner of the station.
    Well, despite the falseness(fakeness), most of the simulators(games) really emerge you in their world,
    which is great, thats the point. As i said, the environments, the atmosphere, the sounds, etc, really makes you "be in there"(Alien:Isolation, DeadSpace, etc)
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