Hello all, so the topic title says it all. I'm sorta new to zBrush, and I'm trying to dynamesh this "dungeon pit", but due to dynamesh's nature it automatically fills up the hole in the pit. This is something I do not want to happen. I just want the entire thing to be dynamesh'd without the hole filling in. How can I do this?
I'm running zBrush 4R7 64-bit.
Screenshots of the mesh I'm trying to dynamesh are below. The first image is the whole pit, and the second image I just took out the iron bars in case it was hard to see. When I'm attempting to dynamesh, I am only doing it on the pit itself (the iron bars are separate pieces.)
Dungeon Pit with Iron Bars:
http://puu.sh/qtDwo/85da745139.pngDungeon Pit without Iron Bars:
http://puu.sh/qtDxG/12cf340dba.pngThank you all for any advice you send my way. Hope to hear from someone soon!
Dynamesh needs a solid, watertight geo for predictable results. You're geo is obviously single sided so you'll need to add thickness before the DM operation.
or use Zremesher. That works with SS geo.
I don't necessarily need the thickness though. The player will never see it (game asset.) Will adding a thickness allow Dynamesh to not fill in that hole? I saw a video online about how to stop Dynamesh from doing that. Link below:
But due to the quality, it's so hard to see what he's doing, or where to find the option in 4R7. Thoughts on this (or clarity lol xD)?