I'm trying to make some tiling textures using krita because it has an awesome wrap mode. Does anyone know a way to get straight lines using the standard brush tool? Something like holding shift to draw a straight line to the last point in photoshop. There's gotta be an easy way to do this...
You can hold SHIFT to snap the line to angles, and you can control the pressure of different points on the line by using your stylus as you press and drag to make the line (it makes the line vary thickness). This last feature only works when "Use Sensors" is on in the tool options for the Line tool.
You can also try using the Assistant Tool, it's something that guides the cursor while you're painting with mouse or tablet.
The one you're looking for is the Ruler, it makes a simple line. After you create one or more ruler assistants you can select the brush tool to paint and, in the tool options, no matter the stroke smoothing mode, you can turn on the "Assistant" option and leave it at maximum.
When you start painting your stroke will be constrained to those assistant lines. This should feel more like Photoshop but takes more time to set up.
But Krita doesn't have the Clipping Mask feature (it uses something else to do this, called alpha-inheriting), so if you happen to use clip-masked layers in the PSD they will be loaded as normal layers and will "bleed" off the layer that was clipping them (as if you turned the clip-masking off in Photoshop).