Supervisors: John Robb, Dave McGuire
Internship location:
Dark Catt Studios
5660 W Taylor Street
Chicago, IL 60644
Minimum 200 hours, 10-15 hours per week – 3 month commitment
This is an unpaid internship
Dark Catt Studios, an independent Chicago based production studio, is seeking members for a full VR and AR gaming design and creation team. Right now, we are looking for talented and motivated production assistant to work under the supervision/collaborate with of a Lead Production Manager, upon other members of the team.
be able to work well in a team
have a solid knowledge of project management
have strong communications skills, particularly verbal and written language
be able to learn new skills quickly
possess high levels of self-motivation and confidence in dealing with complex situations
have a passion for games
be able to plan ahead, set objectives and prioritize
have good management skills
pay close attention to detail and have high standards of work
have knowledge of the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and procedures
If interested send work and resume to: