Hey all,
Just noticed that there's a call for submissions for next years GDC, submissions close on August 18th.
http://www.gdconf.com/conference/c4p/What type of talks from the Visual Arts track do people enjoy the most? And is anyone submitting anything this year?

I remember the first one I went to in 2009, the Polycount meetup was so small. Maybe like 20 people tops.
The ones of you folks who went to previous ones GDC, could you share some thoughts about it?
As I am super interested in packing up with a mate or two and hitting the road all the way down to SF from Montreal! Just hesitating like a lot cause of the price + is it the right time for me to go (just stepped in the industry, still very new to me - so actually maybe it's the BEST time to go?) Luckily this is a few days after I will turn 21.
There are so many evening events to attend, as well as the amount of networking you can do around the event. I highly recommend it, it's the best place to be each year for a games developer. I always return feeling motivated and inspired to make more games and art
Have a look on the GDC Vault as there are a lot of talks online for free and it should give you an idea on whether or not it is relevant. There are also a handful of scholarships you can apply for: http://www.gdconf.com/attend/scholarships.html which will bag you a free pass.
I am volunteering at MIGS16 in few weeks, didn't think of it for GDC17, thanks for the tip!
Large question though, why is it that there are usually very few forum fellows at the polycount meetup?
Anyone been volunteer there before? Cant find any link, maybe it's just too early?
Well thanks but it doesnt mention anything for Volunteers, those are paid positions, so you need a work permit
Hope you all have a blast, and drink some rum/scotch for me!
We'll have more details, day and time etc, closer to GDC
Unless something change I Should be reviewing folio again this year for the pannel called killer ''portfolio or portfolio killer part 2''
Can't wait to see you guys again
Congratulations! You have been selected to receive a complimentary GDC 2017 Expo Pass via the Low Income Pass Lottery.
holy fat fuck, never expected that! Real good news of the day for me!
hope I can make it there, tho.
Direct link to event page too: https://www.facebook.com/events/1737994943183934/
If anyone has recommendations /good exp to share on youth hostels, or cheap whatever place to sleep - roommate flat or I don't know, I'm on the look ! Lets say 1h max from GDC
Hit me up first arrived first served !
All of you.
Star Wars: Rogue One's best character was rendered in Unreal 4, a cinema first
From what I understand this is how they did it, (don't quote me, its just from a collection of sources, anecdotes and myths)
-Pixar and ILM have been developing an opensource version of FBX called USD (universal scene description)
It can load entire scenes from one app to another including lights textures materials, particles etc.
Autodesk, The foundry and Epic are the early adopters (might be public by 2018)
Epic made a bespoke version of UE4. It does not rely on any texture or light baking and can use EXR’s.
They have given this to The-Mill, ILM and Pixar to push the software.
Effectively they have made a very very fast GPU renderer (as long as you have a stack of graphics cards).
This tech must go some way to help explain this (I believe). I am sure more details will come out soon. ILM labs seem pretty open and forward about there tech and have given some fantastic talks on there real time tech, particularly at FMX.
scroll down to the unreal part...
GDC this year is coming out with some cracking news, its hard to keep up.
The car is impressive but on second review it doesn’t look as good as a real render though. The lighting or the colour of the cars don’t look quite right to me. I guess it’s because they are clipping the HDR to make the reflections go in realtime – unless that’s just a silly colour enhancement for the client’s tastes of course. That’s a staggering amount of data to run through realtime to create that IBL though! Interesting times ahead.
Prpbably hinting on a PC version. (considering that there is no Nvidia tech in any of the current consoles)....also Taba answering questions with a grinning "no comment" really doesn't help the case of the game never coming to PC.
They animated flocks of fish with just shaders.
Content-Driven Multipass Rendering in UE4
Baked caustics at 42:10 is a crazy part.
A club of sweaty drunken game devs...A good time.