So, I was browsing polycount today when I came across the below image (weapon on the right). Immediately, I knew I wanted to turn it into a Quixel smart material. Problem is, I am not sure how I would go about making such a texture. Normally at that point, I would go and google 'insert texture description here' texture and poof, have a good starting point with hundreds of references.
Not so with this. I am not even sure what this type of texture is called. Chipped stone isn't it, flint tool/knife is closer, knapping is the process that is used to get to this texture in the real world, but there really aren't many/any flat texture reference images out there that I can find.
One image I found is close, but again, not a full image of it.
So, my question to you all is,
first: what on earth is this texture type named?
and second: how would you all go about making such a texture. I definitely want not just an albedo, but a normal map as well to really help sell the effect, but am not sure how I would go about getting a normal that would match without having to go into sculpting it, which i am NOT good at.
the other way would be I would say to plan out the randomness of the ridges then subd edge supporting loops and the like, as I doubt the displacement map would get the effect quite right although I may be wrong there so it could be worth looking into if that isn't working out for you.
but sculpting for sure makes this a 10 minute job at best even with no skills and a mouse while traditionally modeling this unless someone has some more tricks I think would take much longer.