So I've had decent luck on here with technical ue4 help, so ive got a new challenge for you all. This seems like it should be easy, but its kicking my butt. lets get to it.
I have a boat. I have an enemy spawner above it. The Boat is on a matinee track, it moves under the spawner, waits for the passengers to spawn randomly above and then fall onto the deck. Then the boat moves on its merry way untill it reaches the next dock and activates the passengers and they walk off the boat.
Problem 1: In theory, i should be able to simply activate the 'impart base velocity' settings on the character movement component, but that is frame-rate dependent and ends up creating some strange drifting issues across the deck as the boat accelerates. I have seen this issue in many posts, with elevators or rolling character spheres, but no real solution. IF THERE IS a sure fire solution with these settings alone, that would be optimal
Problem 2: If I use a hit detection, where when the pawn hits an actor with MovingPlatform tag (with a doOnce) it attaches to that actor. All the settings on the Attach actor to actor node result in the Pawn hitting the Boat (with the tag) and teleporting about a mile away from their previous location, seemingly without any rhyme or reason. This is with the exception of the 'Keep world Position' Setting, which keeps the pawns on the deck, until it starts to move and they all go flying wierdly off the bow, like this: (they are pink)
Problem 3: The final piece, was thati tried both attaching the pawns, and disabling their movement components,then reactivating them again on arrival to their destination, but once they detached they disappeared to some random location miles away again.
So these problems were listed in order of preference for solving. It seems like all of them should have a solution, #1 or #2 would be awesome to find a solution for. No one will be walking or navigating on the boat, its just a way to get the enemies to the play area that is visually appealing.
Thank you in advance, my mystery Hero to be!
I appreciate your continued assistance, but i went gave this a go and im having much the same issues. The character atop the boat still slide, smoothly this time, instead of of jittery as it appeared with matinee, and when attached they still went flying off the bow.
They do appear steady when the boat is moving at a constant speed, but on acceleration or deceleration they slide heavily. Additionally, when using timeline movement there are many issues with jumping imparting velocity in air. its crazy choppy, but thats just a side not for this part of the project.
I still dont believe that it could possibly be this difficult, but i seem to be hitting a brick wall here. Hit me up if you have any other suggestions.