Every time I try to open this scene Maya freeze for a moment trying to load.
I get this error message:
Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2016/scripts/startup/colorManagementUtilities.mel line 281: Cannot convert data of type string[] to type string. // select -r front_crest1|pPipe16 ;
then it crash completely, I don't know what to do
If your file is .ma (not .mb) you can probably fix it manually, since this file is basically MEL script. According to error text you have something wrong with "front_crest1|pPipe16" object. Search your script and see what does Maya do with it. Probably just delete those parts of script which have anything to do with the object. The object will be lost, but you might be able to recover the scene. And don't forget to backup the file before messing with the script.