Hey Polycount, nice community you've got here

I hope I've posted this in the right place...
I've started taking my first steps into the world of Quixel and PBR texturing and I'm loving the suite so far. I'm making an interior sci-fi environment with a modular based approach to the wall assets. Having now finished texturing one of my wall pieces I'm wondering what is the best process for making the textures seamless between the wall objects. I've had trouble finding any information on this but would the following process eliminate the appearance of seams where two separate wall pieces meet? I was thinking of aligning the two wall objects in 3dsmax, exporting the OBJ of the two pieces with each piece having its own texture map, then making sure both models share the same colours on the colour map. In theory this would allow DDO to see both objects and (hopefully) the materials added would texture across both wall pieces. Currently I'm exporting each piece individually with no way to paint across both maps.
I hope that makes sense. I'm at a really exciting stage with my 3D skills where I'm finally comfortable with a workflow that takes me all the way from modelling through to final textured model. Feel like I could create anything! Haha.
Thanks in advance for any help. I'm really looking forward to getting involved with the Polycount community.