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Solved: SUITE 2.2.1 failure to launch

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knoll3d null
I upgraded from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 and since then SUITE hasn't worked. Nothing appears to happen when I launch the suite, nothing in Task Manager, but in Process Explorer I can see the Suite sitting there doing nothing. If I use Process Explorer to kill the process nothing happens, trying to kill it again gives me an "Access Denied" error, and then I have to restart to really kill it.

I thought I had fixed it by reapplying the 2.2.0 patch then re-upgrading to 2.2.1; the suite would launch, Ndo and Ddo would launch, but every time 3do would either hang at 80% or hang at 80% and then freeze the suite...so that didn't work.

I've tried a fresh install of Photoshop, a fresh install of the Suite, running the Suite/3do/Ndo/Ddo as an admin, not running the Suite/etc. as an admin, running everything but 3do as an admin, running Photoshop as an admin and not as an admin, reapplying the patches, installing into another folder such as "SUITE 2.2", installing to another drive, updating .Net and Java, installing a different C++ redist.

I really want SUITE to work, it was very cool when it did work, but I don't know what else to try and restarting over and over to kill the suite process is making me want to ask for a refund.

my specs are:
Win 10 pro
Photoshop CC 2015.5
GTX 980
i7 5820k
16gb DDR4


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Go ahead and attempt these steps:

    Uninstall SUITE and Photoshop.

    Restart your computer.

    Reinstall Photoshop to its default directory.

    Reinstall SUITE to the same drive as Photoshop in a folder called *\Quixel SUITE 2.2.1\

    Right click on Photoshop, run as administrator.

    Close Photoshop.

    Right-click on SUITE, run SUITE as an administrator.

    Let me know if that resolves this for you.
  • knoll3d
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    knoll3d null
    Nope, worth a shot but still nothing, no process in Task Manager and this is all I get in Process Explorer:

    If I back patch it to 2.2.0 and then re-patch it to 2.2.1 I can probably get the Suite to launch but then there would still be the issue of 3Do hanging.

    One thing I haven't mess with yet is the registry. But I hadn't found any reports of the registry causing problems like this.

  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I can't think of anything that would cause this other than your registry being screwed up somehow. This isn't normal Windows behavior, and definitely isn't normal SUITE behavior. I'll forward this to our programmer to see if there's any additional steps that can be taken, outside of the most drastic one being that you always have the potential of reinstalling Windows to see if that resolves it.

    Just checked in with our SUITE programmer. Do you have AV software installed? If so, please disable it and try running SUITE again.
  • knoll3d
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    knoll3d null
    well...I feel like a bit of an idiot. I shut off Avast Antivirus and the Suite launches, 3do launches too. I didn't even have to launch it as an Admin.

    weird thing, Avast never made any alert, whether the Suite was launching as admin or not...just silently prevented it from from launching or even showing in the Task Manager. And why in the world did Avast let it launch if I back-patched it to 2.2.0 then re-patched it to 2.2.1?

    In case it can help in any way I'm running Avast v10.3.2245, Virus definitions v160730-0. If I can give any other info to help the Quixel team, if you wanted to figure out the false-positive with Avast, just let me know.

    Anyways, big thanks to Synaesthesia and the Quixel team for the quick and responsive customer service. Not to self: always check the Anti-Virus.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Yep, AV software always does something like this. We're not the only software company to run into it, either. :(

    If it helps, I've never encountered this (nor have I seen reports of it) with Malware Bytes.
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