The sneak at the start is looking decent. I can definitely see the Richard Williams influence here. The hop to get closer is a nice idea as well. The lean back at f53 feels awkward. Its not needed. It then shoots forward during f60. Get rid of this or reduce it more than 50%.
Keep an eye on the screen right arm. On f62, the wrist looks a bit broken. Rotate it down a little. On the next frame, the forearm movfes quite a bit and then goes completely straight during the next few frames. Make this motion smoother.
Get a better silhouette on f61. Bring the arms out, raise the elbows. We can't even see the screen right arm. Get some contrast for the two arms.
Speed up the stab into the hips. Make it like 4 frames.
Offset one hand by 1 frame on f74.
Squash body down more on f77
On f82, the body jumps straight up from f81 and f82 and then majically travels across. You need more a better angle on f81.
Lead with the head on f91. Use the chest and head to drive the body motion so its giving more power to try to pull the bad guy.
On f94, don't be so quick to gert back. Hold that stretched pose for a beat.
f109, screen left wrist looks busted.
Jitters on forearm during f110. Its bent, snaps straight over 1 frame and then goes bent again before going straight once more.
Remove f115 for stab, you don't need it.
F117, the hand comes off weapon. Delay this by a few frames.
Find a better ending pose, google lollipop chainsaw and look at the angle of her hips and chest. Its got a ton of contrapposto and attitude. Get some of that into your end pose while you do that gun thing with the hand.
This is just some of the stuff that stood out right off the bat. Hope it helps.
The sneak at the start is looking decent. I can definitely see the Richard Williams influence here. The hop to get closer is a nice idea as well. The lean back at f53 feels awkward. Its not needed. It then shoots forward during f60. Get rid of this or reduce it more than 50%.
Keep an eye on the screen right arm. On f62, the wrist looks a bit broken. Rotate it down a little. On the next frame, the forearm movfes quite a bit and then goes completely straight during the next few frames. Make this motion smoother.
Get a better silhouette on f61. Bring the arms out, raise the elbows. We can't even see the screen right arm. Get some contrast for the two arms.
Speed up the stab into the hips. Make it like 4 frames.
Offset one hand by 1 frame on f74.
Squash body down more on f77
On f82, the body jumps straight up from f81 and f82 and then majically travels across. You need more a better angle on f81.
Lead with the head on f91. Use the chest and head to drive the body motion so its giving more power to try to pull the bad guy.
On f94, don't be so quick to gert back. Hold that stretched pose for a beat.
f109, screen left wrist looks busted.
Jitters on forearm during f110. Its bent, snaps straight over 1 frame and then goes bent again before going straight once more.
Remove f115 for stab, you don't need it.
F117, the hand comes off weapon. Delay this by a few frames.
Find a better ending pose, google lollipop chainsaw and look at the angle of her hips and chest. Its got a ton of contrapposto and attitude. Get some of that into your end pose while you do that gun thing with the hand.
This is just some of the stuff that stood out right off the bat. Hope it helps.