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Elizabeth - Bioshock Infinite Fanart

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Francois_K interpolator
So my last downfall was my inability to create good hair and I struggled with the haircards and creating the texture for a while , so this time I want to nail it.

I'll create Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite ( because i love that game and she's awesome ) and create her in a less stylized way so I'll ref the cosplayer and go for the skin texturing style from Vampyr ( The dude is from Vampyr ) or general texturing style from that game, so that's my go-to.

Besides the hair challenge , I want to make the clothing folds as believable as possible, the face topology especially around the eyes has to become better and overall , the face has to be better.

Focus on Hair/skin
Clothing must be better

Quick Ref board to get the point across visually

Wip #1


  • JoseGR
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    JoseGR polycounter lvl 5
    Cool! Actually one of my favorites games :)  Looking forward to see how it turns out.
    I only have one question, what is that guy doing in your reference board??  O.o
  • Francois_K
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    Francois_K interpolator
    He's from Vampyr the upcoming Dontnod game , I want my textures to be in that style so I grabbed the closest closeup from their trailor just to show how I want it to look ( Or better )
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage

    Nice start.  If you're aiming to do a more realistic take on her, and less stylization / exaggeration, check out some fashion reference from that period.  While Infinite was referencing the 1900's, that particular costume looked more towards the time period of the original Bioshock...so like 50's, 60's.   That will help inform you on proper fits, seam work, detailing, etc.  We looked at actresses like Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, etc.  That particular outfit and DLC referenced the golden era a lot and drew inspiration from things like The Great Gatsby..and just general idealism...i.e. Rapture before it went to hell.

    Looking at the sculpt right now, I can point out a few things:

    -The waist is sitting way too low, both the cosplay and the original character wear a high waisted pencil skirt.
    -Like the original, it is implied that Liz wears a corset or some type of cinch to bring in her waist more.  I can't remember exactly the name of that cosplayer, but, I'm betting either she's super thin or is pulling her waist in through a layer under the shirt.  Meaning, you don't need to make it some sort of anime waist but the silhouette should be less rectangular than you have now and will probably get even better with the skirt being raised.
    -  Don't get distracted by makeup...it can make you model things that don't exist.  Try finding ref of that cosplayer without makeup, or study a happy medium, then apply makeup afterwards.  An example would be her eyebrows..like if you're going for realism, her eyebrows aren't actually that thick, they're just falsely made that way and have little height difference.
    -Cloth folds, I'd really suggest MD or scan data...it's becoming an industry standard if you're going down that path and will help you tons.  Especially with a character like this that is very much fashion trend based.


  • Francois_K
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    Francois_K interpolator
    Thanks @Gav

    Adjusted Waist,Skirt ( Thanks for name dropping pencil skirt , I was having trouble finding that )
    Also made something in MD with a shirt pattern and put it on the mesh. Probably not the best results but this didn't really take that long to create so it's easily adjustable.
    Also nice call on the makeup , her lips so much thinner without makeup on.

    Right now ( personally ) she doesn't remind me of Elizabeth at all.
    Anyway , WIP2

  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    Right now ( personally ) she doesn't remind me of Elizabeth at all.
    Looking good though. You have no shot of the face big enough to give a proper paintover but to me it looks like you are somewhat off when it comes to head-shape both from the original model and the cosplayer. Especially when it comes to the cheekbone area. The nose on your model also has a wider bridge. The nasolabial fold on your version is starker than any of the refs. Elizabeth is have an overall more plump face than what you have which contributes to the disparity. Post a closeup on the face without the hair and i think you might get some more useful critique from more qualified people :P

  • Francois_K
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    Francois_K interpolator
    Ja. Made the fold a bit more subtle and plumped up her a face a bit

  • tda
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    tda polycounter lvl 16
    It's good to see you rolling immediately into your next model dude! After that monster face crit from troy just now all i'll comment on at this point is the fabric of the shirt, and maybe the skirt too, reads a little thick. That kind of blouse would have much finer folds i feel like, and it would be a little more figure hugging, conforming more to the underlying body where it isnt folded. Excited to see the next update man!
  • Francois_K
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    Francois_K interpolator
    Thanks Tom, made some adjustments.

  • Francois_K
  • Francois_K
    Offline / Send Message
    Francois_K interpolator
    Terribly slow progress as of late.

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