Hia! So I've noticed that my Macbook Pro and my desktop PC have significantly different display results. I'm currently producing my next demo reel piece and the lighting looks great on my PC, however on the Macbook it's definitely too dark and has more contrast. Is there a piece of software I can use to try and get both displays to match each-other, as well as most of the PCs that will be used to view my demo piece?
Thank you!
I'd say it's a good long-term investment but if it's too costly there're some applications that will allow you to calibrate a monitor without any hardware. Though I don't think the results will be spectacular.
I highly recommend getting a Calman or Spyder if you want to calibrate properly. I am going through really similar things right now at work, where we are mass calibrating hundreds of TV's and monitors. We bought 25 of the same TV, and tried calibrating one and copying the settings to all 24 others, just to visually test the results. Way off, not even remotely close to each other in terms of hue and saturation of different colors. We would have one way off in the blue spectrum, 2-3 others WAY more orange/yellow, etc. We ended up having to calibrate each individual TV using our CalMan calibration puck, by hand, to get consistent results across the board.
TL;DR, if you are serious about calibration, the investment is 110% worth it. Trust me, every single panel displays uniquely.