Hi everyone,
I'm new to the site and I am just learning how to 3D model. I have been modeling for about a month now. I was hoping someone could take a look at these swords I have modeled.
One, it will help me learn if I could get a critique. Two, they were declined by the Asset Store. The email they send is so vague that its unhelpful. So, that really doesn't help me learn if I have no idea what I could have done wrong.
Don't get me wrong, I am new and learning and don't expect some amazing success already, but I did think they were pretty good for just starting out. If someone would even be willing to let me email them the .blend or .obj files to look at them in more detail, then that would be fantastic.
The swords look fine - nice work for a beginner! You will get better with each new project, read and watch everything you can find on 3d modeling. There is a YouTube user, Arrimus3D, who has some wonderful videos that you can learn from (I am).
As to why Unity (I assume you mean this asset store but most have same guidelines) may have declined your submission - did you read their submission guidelines?
It sounds like they are not looking for simple models - or maybe you didn't include clean UVs or textures. I'm sure if you re-read the e-mail it may make more sense.
Don't get discouraged at this point. Just keep at it.
I will check Arrimus out this afternoon.
Thank you again!
Keep it up!
I will probably get into it some more this evening.
Thank you!