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PRoblem with Quixel generated maps

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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14

Hello , after Synaesthesia sugestion I am posting this here in the hope to see how t solve the problem with DDO when texturing , I am working on a high poly model of a spaceship and I have split that into chuncks islands of uvs so to have the possibility to texture each of them with Quixel. The point is to make textures I will later use in other programs like keyhshot or vray. Here is an example of the issues I am having with the gray stripes and weird polygon coloring I get in PBR lightnign .


 And those are images of the uvmap and how appears when I apply a material .



then I have checked and redone the model redone the uv and then reexported and rebaked, ( it took me 5 hours to do ) now the gray thing is not there, but I have gray things all over around the edges , they are small and not big but still present .
I think the problem might be in the autogenerated maps , in particular the curvature ,

this is my new uv and the model , wichpresents no problems.



thats the curvature map generated in ddo that presents strange black dots in many areas .


out that this texture has this small issue after generation , what can it be due to ? this time I used the right models and so is not an issue of the model  / uvmap , I checked the AO and is fine as well as the ID color map wich are the only input maps I used, the rest is generated in DDO .

My AO were generated in Xnormal with the following settings :


I have baked to texture the color map ids with 3dsmax with the following settings


saved as png 48 bit
And here are actually the files I have used :
the model :
the Ambient occlusion
the Color map
Sorry if I am sending those but I dunno what else to try .


  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Did you try baking the curvature in XN? The few times I baked curvature in QS the results were shite.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Did you try baking the curvature in XN? The few times I baked curvature in QS the results were shite.
    YEs I tried that too , the curvature come out with squared edges all over so I trashed, I also tried to make it in photoshop out of the AO making a high pass filter, wich by what was sugested on the input instructions of quixel site, but I am not sure what settings and it is basically an sharp / unsharp filter so I got no success .
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Can you upload the non-turbosmoothed version of the model? I would have to look at your topology and uvs. Vertex derived curvature maps are edgeloops dependant and from what little I can see of your topology it looks like you have a lot of inconsistent/redundant loops.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    First of all thankyou for helping me .... I applied an opensubsd , I can upload the low poly but the uvmap will be different , because I used the subded one to catch the shape of the inlets between panels for the AO and uvmap that otherwise looked distorted once I applied the opensubd in render .
    My objective with DDO apart of course learning it as is my first time using , is to get the textures to use after in rendering outside... here the files :
    I added a max16 version as I remember you ahve that one .


  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Thanks. I'll have a look now.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Just had a very quick look. There are some badly distorted uvs and some broken, floating faces in the geo. The .obj you uploaded is triangulated. Can you upload a non-triangulated version, please?

    Your uvs are pretty messy and far from ideal. You really need to spend a lot more time on this. The more effort you put in to uving the better your texturing results will be. A lot of beginners seem to skip this step but it is extremely important to master for baking and texturing.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    I uploaded a max file it contains the non triangulated version and low poly with the stack above it , did you need a lower version file? I saved a smax 16 but I can save as 15 or 14 eventually .
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range

    Sorry, didn't see the Max file in the .rar. Just had another look and what I said earlier still counts. You need to go back and sort out your UVs.(also, I couldn't even load the model into Headus UVL as it was too broken) Your unwrap contains a lot of overlapping and inverted verts, and and also a lot of distortion (both tension and stretching)

    You spent weeks modeling your ship. I watched your progress and you did well. The model and design turned out really good. So if you spend all that time modeling, you should spend the same amount of time and effort on your UVs. Don't rush through it even thouBecause this is for offline rendering(Vray/etc) you can do whatever you like with your unwraps. You don't have to cram everything into a small space. You can break the ship into many, many parts and give each its own unwrap mod.

    Also, the ship is single sided paneling, very simple to unwrap. Just take your time and check each shell for distortion as you unwrap it.

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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Ok thankyou , do you think this is the problem  I thought that actually the uvmaps were mostly fine as I used the new 2017 peel tool that stretches the verts and then I checked the checkermap and it seemed even ... can you point me some examples of the problematic uvs? Also do you know of any faster way to eventually uv it? And finally ... :) ... is there a way to make "coherent" and "related" the texturing I will have then to do in DDO if I load each time a different model?
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Unfortunately,  if you want good uvs you have to put the work in. Everyone wants the quick and easy way out but, really, unwrap tools have come a long way over the years. Newcomers don't realise how easy yhey have it! :)

    Use a texture map like this  http://orig00.deviantart.net/5350/f/2010/036/7/4/uv_mapping_grid_by_cymae.jpg

    Just look for uneven squares,  circles, distorted lines. Use the numbers and letter to align shells and avoid flipped uvs. 

    As for consistency across parts, you can create/save a custom smart material and reuse it. This is what I do all the time in Substance Painter. 
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    for how strange might seem somehow I found the earlier version of uvmap tool working better, like the relax tool now in 2017 doesn't work at all , it messes all time my uvs shrinking or else .
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    btw can you shoe me in particular wich parts do cause on the uvmap the problems in ddo ? I was checkingthe uv and despite it might be better I can't find a reasonwhy DDO makes those gray stripes in those places because the uv seems fine there.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    As I said earlier, when baking a vertex derived curvature map the result is entirely dependent on the edgeloops. So for better results you should collapse the subdivsion 1 level and export that to bake. I don't know why you're getting those grey patches but i'm guessing it's because of the topology. I just baked a curvature map from your model in Substance Painter and it turned out OK.
  • Eric Chadwick
    I've added that texture grid to our library on the wiki. Thanks for the link musashidan! 

    We have some good maps for evaluating UVs, as well as the reasons why these textures are used.

    Naima, put the UV grid texture on your model, and post a screenshot of the problem area.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Hi , here is a screenshot...


    Here the problem in DDO without any texture added ...

    and here the whole piece .
    here the selfgenerated curvature map .


  • Eric Chadwick
    DDO shot looks like it's using a preset with edge wear applied.

    Curvature shot looks like it's darkening each UV vertex.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    And how can I fix?
  • Eric Chadwick
    You will have to experiment, and read Help files, and search the internet. Why?
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    I search ed already the interned and I didn't find anyone having thesame issue . As for experimentations I did , but I am out of ideas now .
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Its been the whole day I have been testing and I am coming to the conclusion that the problem relies in the software that seems to not be able to handle well surfaces with thight edgeloops and so higher poly densities . I tested the same object at different level of polygon density and the more I ncreased the polycount the more the stripes appeared to be jaggy and striped, lower poly objects had less or none .
    perhaps is not the right thing for texturing high poly models :( .
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Here is the prove that apparentlyQuixel has a limitation on the high poly model texturing when edgeloops are close .

    This is the same model , the first has dense edgeloop ( despite not so dense in high poly terms its like 4 lines near vs 1 in the following model )


    Here is the model with reduced edge loops in the model

    btw the model is not exactly the same but regardless is the symmetrical counterpart in the mesh so its the same one just mirrored .
    I have only reduced around the small squared thing on the top , in general as you can see the gray seams are reduced ...

    Now I am wondering , since the uvmap are clean in those positions, is DDO not able to render well narrow lines or is the UV that is too big for DDo to handle when it has too many little details in size relating to those edges?

    Or perhaps there is some special setting that may be makes increment the resolution level of the baked maps to avoid those artefacts or else?

    btw mine is not a criticism is a request for help and I am loving the program that I think its fantastic , but I am not able to adapt to the high poly in this case.

    Opinions ?

  • Eric Chadwick
    Those don't look like seams, they look like an edge wear texture. What DDO settings are you using?
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    As I mentioned above I baked a curvature from your mesh in SP and it turned out OK. Have you tried since in Xnormal? On the few occasions that I tested curvature baking in QS the results were awful so maybe it's just the way it is.

    Maybe post on the QS forum as Jonathan is very helpful.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Naima already posted there, and they determined that this is not an issue with their software. As such, this belongs in Technical Talk.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    I have tried all settings and even without importing any texture so its not relative to the texture, but the model , I have noticed two problems wich seems independant .

    1 is the curvature map generated by DDO creates strange dots here and there, despite in some locations are rightfull to be as I noticed some detached vertices or bad seams , in most of the other places the uv is fine and relaxed, the model is fine and clean and yet there are strange balls of dark as in picture uploaded above.

    2 the strange gray striped artefacts, those seems to be unlinked tothe curvature dark balls , despite theyhappen also in proximity of the gray stripes, those seems to be related to the geometry , the more dense the edgeloops , the more dense the gray stripes , also I can't understand the reason why they are forming , because perfectly identical surfaces do not get the same stripes and others do , it also seems to be visible only when I really zoom in on the panels seams by distance they do not look much visible , but yet since I have to texture seems to be annoying.

    Another thing , is that those gray stripes , seems ( but I cannot confirm ) to not alter the texturing , from what I could notice they do not appear in any baked texture , but just in the renderer .

    Another thing is that instead the black bulbs on the curvature appear also on the texture and those are more destructive for the texture itself .

    Any ideas from those reports?
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    As I mentioned above I baked a curvature from your mesh in SP and it turned out OK. Have you tried since in Xnormal? On the few occasions that I tested curvature baking in QS the results were awful so maybe it's just the way it is.

    Maybe post on the QS forum as Jonathan is very helpful.
    I am trying now to bake a curvature from Xnormal , I didn't before because it come out all squared with edge seams on polygons .

    Did you bake the curvature from my model in ddo and turned out fine? If so did you try to load the model in ddo and see if you have the gray stripes =? might be do that I have a corrupt installation may be?

    sorry what is SP?

    I also checked on the help file trying to make a curvature out of my AO as it says to apply just a high pass filter but those are sharpen masks and even if I apply something like this to the AO I am far from getting a curvature map , even making an AO with 150 spread angle .
  • Eric Chadwick
    NAIMA said:
     those gray stripes , seems ( but I cannot confirm ) to not alter the texturing , from what I could notice they do not appear in any baked texture , but just in the renderer .
    Problem solved.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    NAIMA said:
     those gray stripes , seems ( but I cannot confirm ) to not alter the texturing , from what I could notice they do not appear in any baked texture , but just in the renderer .
    Problem solved.
    Well not really as they appear in the renderer and so annoying as for the black spots of curvature those are not solved :/ .
  • Eric Chadwick
    Why are you using DDO renderer? How do you plan to render your finished highpoly model, what software and what renderer?

    And use Xnormal to make curvature maps.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Well  I have tried using Xnormal and it didn't work it creates a sort of gray AO wich doesn't look like a curve map , as for renderer  may be I will try to use with keyshot .
  • Eric Chadwick
    Then you should load your model into Keyshot, and use that to view all your work. It is the end product of all your efforts with this project. If the rendering works there, then it doesn't matter how it looks in DDO or Xnormal or anywhere else.

    Curvature worked fine for me in Xnormal, but it has been a long time since I've used it.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    do you have the settings for the curvature in xnormal ?  problem with key is that its extremely laggy to me and I would use only at end unless I will have to just rely to make some procedural and skip all  the textured control of ddo .
  • Eric Chadwick
    It doesn't matter if it's laggy. If you plan to render your end result in it, then you need to use it to view your work, while you are working. Otherwise you cannot know how it will look.

    If it is too slow, choose a different renderer. There are many.
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