Hey everyone,
Does anyone know if it's even possible to plot a perfect square in 2-point perspective? I'm struggling with this for some time now. What I'm trying to do is to take a render of a plane from 3d application, draw a quadrangle in given perspective and supposedly this new quadrangle should concur with a plane in the 3d-app. I've tried 4 or 5 different algorithms but none of them gives the the quadrangle similar to the one I'm getting later in 3d.
Maybe my initial assumption is wrong and 2 vanishing points is not enough to get the proportions right?
This algorithm gives me the best result, but the result is still a bit off
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB3UEpxFlj8Here's my process:
1) render with template perspective
2) calculations
3) The resulting quadrangle as background (green) + new plane in 3d (blue). The green quadrangle I got from calculations is wider than the blue 3d-plane
This drives me crazy!
If you have any ideas I'll be glad to listen to them.
I tried to do the same and failed as well. Then I tried to do it directly in the 3D software (using edge extrusions as if drawing lines on the canvas), the same methodology of transfering a distance by going through the middle etc. and it worked.
Since those could've been done in 2D easily rather than 3D, I think the problem is precision. When you work with the raster program every pixel may be slightly off and accumulate towards the end for a noticeable error. That, or that the method of using diagonals is more reliable than the measuring bar.