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Solved: strange texture lines

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
Hello , I managed to get past some problems and I started applying materials to my scene object, now I added a thick scratched painted metal material to my wing object and all looks awesome apart some strange lines , the AO map looked fine and had no problems .

The only input maps I added are  :

AO generated in Xnormal

Normal map is just a bare flat map

ID mask map generated in 3dsmax it has just a couple of id materials .

So the rest is all generated in DDO , what can those strange gray lines be due to?



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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Here are more visible ...


    pretty annoying , how to get rid of them ?

    I am using 8192 generated maps.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Ok I think I solved the mistery ... I backed the high poly model and I loaded the low poly model into DDO so it was missing some geometry of the high poly on the texture ... Loading the high poly model too in ddo solved the problem .
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Actually not solved, looks like there is a limit or a bug on DDO side, with high poly models when edgeloops are close , for some reason it creates strange gray lines, I noticed that to make them go away I have to reduce the density of the model wich means to go to a low poly , while increasing the density it brings me up the gray lines, is there any setting I am missing or I ahve definetly give up on texturing high poly models with DDO?
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