I am searching for Infos about the technical implentation of how xnormal makes a direction map.
Or Vray is able to bake a vector displacement map.
I would like to find a full technical "How to do it" for fully understanding the process.
I looked a lot in Google for source code, algorithms or anything else but cant really find anything.
There is a book "GPU Render" or something like this. And a lot of Infos about how to raytrace a vector displaced mesh to get a good render out of it.
But nothing that i am searching.
And there must be something!!!
aligatou gozaimasu
This might give you a starting point.
But it sounds like you want whitepapers.
they are based on vertex position... therefore the highres and the lowres mesh have to be based on the same vertex order...
its subdividign the undeformed basemesh up to the same polycount as the highres version...
and calculating the vector and distance of each vertex...